Signaling in WebRTC with Ably and Fable
Implement simple WebRTC signaling mechanism via Ably.io.
Struggles when migrating from ES 6.8 to ES 7.5
What problems I encounter when migrating from ES 6.8 to ES 7.5 and how to avoid them.
Running Canopy in Docker container
In this article you will see how to write and run Canopy tests inside of Docker Container.
Visualization of estates on a map with Fable
From time to time I look at bailiff auctions. To check if there are some interesting properties for sale. If I want to check where they are located I have to go into details of each auction. I felt it would be great to see all of them on the map, so I could filter them by localization or district.
Deleting old branches using Azure Functions
Doing a `git branch` lists a milion of branches on a remote? You have some policies in a team to delete branch after merging, but let's be serious, someone remember about that? You don't have to worry in this article you will find how to write automatic Deleter (as a time trigger Azure Function) of old stale branches from AzureDevops.
Testing application continuously with Canopy and Azure Pipelines
In this article you will see how to write and run Canopy tests on Azure Pipelines.
Serialization of F# UnionType
Union Type serialization is not a built-in option in Newtonsoft.Json. In this article we will take a look how to work around that.
GraphQL error propagation
In this post we gonna take a look at available options on how to propagate errors in GraphQL
Testing GraphQL queries with FsCheck library - Union GraphTypes
GraphQL essentially allows users to define queries from a front-end to gather concrete data. So as it looks it is completely different than a standard REST endpoint. GraphQL differs queries which only gather data from those which also mutates them. In this article, I want to concentrate on queries which only gather some data and how to test them via FsCheck and F#. This articles is a continuation of previous post: https://www.mnie.me/2018-05-21-graphQLTestingPart2/
Testing GraphQL queries with FsCheck library - Shrinking input
GraphQL essentially allows users to define queries from a front-end to gather concrete data. So as it looks it is completely different than a standard REST endpoint. GraphQL differs queries which only gather data from those which also mutates them. In this article, I want to concentrate on queries which only gather some data and how to test them via FsCheck and F#. This articles is a continuation of previous post https://www.mnie.me/2018-05-07-graphQLTesting/
Testing GraphQL queries with FsCheck library
GraphQL essentially allows users to define queries from a front-end to gather concrete data. So as it looks it is completely different than a standard REST endpoint. GraphQL differs queries which only gather data from those which also mutates them. In this article, I want to concentrate on queries which only gather some data and how to test them via FsCheck and F#.
Visual Studio 15.6.0 vs .net like projects
FSharp.Net.Sdk is not longer needed after newest update of Visual Studio. In this article you will find out why.
Migration from old format of cs/fsproj to the new one
Migration from .net framework csproj/fsproj to the .net core csproj/fsproj isn't an easy task. There are some caveats around it, checkout article to find some of them.
How to test CSV files content in end-to-end testing
Commercial applications very often gives an end user ability to export some data as csv. In this article I wanna show you that it is possible to test it and how to do that.
Visualizing performance tests execution times
Continuation to the previous article about performance testing in F#, which you can find [here](https://mnie.github.io/2017-08-17-performanceTestsUsingFsCheck/).
Performance testing using FsCheck
While adding a new functionality to our application we want to ensure that the response time will not grow and remain at the acceptable level for users. We came up with the idea of writing FsCheck tests, which will be supposed to check the execution time of the function, rather than their full correctness. Thanks to this approach, We can generate a series of data, similar to those generated by users during day to day work with an application.Let's see how we achieve that
Decrease technical debt with help of CodeMetrics
It is important that code produced by us could be easily tested and managed. However, it must be borne in mind that the projects we do at work are not individual tasks, and dozens of people are working on them. However, it is well known that everyone can have a bad day that will cause a bad code to be written that will lead to headaches when we look at it after some time. In this article we gonna take a deep view of available options in .net ecosystem related to CodeMetrics.
Expecto and RegexTypeProvider in action
Expecto and RegexTypeProvider as a substitute of Machine.Specifications and standard .net Regex.
Creating a fully functional F# microservice (Quartz.Net, Net.Mail)
Recently I realized that I have the data where users evaluate things presented to them. These opinions are stored in the database, but let's be honest how often you open a management studio to see what records appear in the database? I am definitely not that kind of person. So I thought it would be fun to write an application that would sent as a weekly report and also providing an api, to ask for data from the last week. In this article we would take a look at scheduling mails on weekly basis.
Creating a fully functional F# microservice (Azure, FSharp.Configuration)
Recently I realized that I have the data where users evaluate things presented to them. These opinions are stored in the database, but let's be honest how often you open a management studio to see what records appear in the database? I am definitely not that kind of person. So I thought it would be fun to write an application that would sent as a weekly report and also providing an api, to ask for data from the last week. In this article we would take a look at Azure API and Configuration passing.
Creating a fully functional F# microservice (NancyFx, SqlTypeProvider)
Recently I realized that I have the data where users evaluate things presented to them. These opinions are stored in the database, but let's be honest how often you open a management studio to see what records appear in the database? I am definitely not that kind of person. So I thought it would be fun to write an application that would sent as a weekly report and also providing an api, to ask for data from the last week. In this article we would take a look at accessing database.
Azure Notebook in F# - creative way to share your notes beside the code.
In today post I would like to present to you the 'new' azure functionality which have been made available for us on December 1 this year. It's about creating notes in the Azure Notebooks (Jupyter Notebooks) in F#. What does it mean and what is it?
FsReveal as a substitute for PowerPoint
I suppose that you sometimes have to make a presentation. What do you do? You fires PowerPoint and begin to 'write'. While You are 'writing' I guess You often complain about it for example that text suddenly begins to overlap with the pictures and so on. In short all opposed against you? I would like to present you a different approach to creating a presentation(s). The presentation, which can act as a web page. The presentation, which is create in F# language, or Markdown.
How to configure Your open source project on github with FAKE
When we contribute to some open source project or contribute to one. We often hit a problem of CI/CD. We gonna take a look how to achieve this thanks to FAKE and Travis.
TDD Kata in F#/C# using FsCheck
Roy Osherove's short kata descibed step by step in C# and F#. Starting from simple unit tests, ending on property based tests.
Unit tests in F# using XUnit
How tests written in F# differ from those written in C#? Let's see!
Azure functions in F#
Some day ago Azure gives us a possibility to create an Azure Function in F#. Let's see how to do that.
Bing Api Spell Check - Are you sure that you wrote it correctly?
Thanks to BingApi Spell Check we can verify the spelling of a individual words as well as grammatical correctness of whole sentences. According to official documentation, we have the ability to even recognize the slang frequent mistakes in the text (eg. indeed, not inded etc). In this article we gonna give it a try.
Azure Text Analytics Api - Are your users happy?
Azure Text Analytics Api gives us many opportunities, from text study to building recommendation systems. Api Text Analytics gives us the ability to detect sentiment, keywords, topics and the language in which text is written. In contrast, the above-mentioned function, examines the sentiment of the text. What does it mean? It can determine whether a statement/text has a positive or negative undertone. In this article I wanna show how to use that function