• Visualization of estates on a map with Fable

    From time to time I look at bailiff auctions. To check if there are some interesting properties for sale. If I want to check where they are located I have to go into details of each auction. I felt it would be great to see all of them on the map, so I could filter them by localization or district.

    January 8, 2020 - 25 minute read -
    F# Fable JavaScript Patterns Microservices
  • Deleting old branches using Azure Functions

    Doing a `git branch` lists a milion of branches on a remote? You have some policies in a team to delete branch after merging, but let's be serious, someone remember about that? You don't have to worry in this article you will find how to write automatic Deleter (as a time trigger Azure Function) of old stale branches from AzureDevops.

    September 23, 2019 - 11 minute read -
    F# Patterns Microservices Clean Code
  • AppInsights logging full requests with hidding sensitive data

    In our application, daily, we are using Application Insights. To look at the details of a request/response, we store the body of them in a separate Log database. As long as the application growth, we thought it would be easier for us to have everything in one place. So we planned to involve everything in ApplicationInsights.

    September 2, 2019 - 13 minute read -
    C# Patterns Microservices
  • Batching Events via BatcherBlock

    In our systems, we send notifications. But as long as the application grows it starts working slowly. Wee decided to implement the mechanism, which responsibility would be to collect events, group them, eliminate duplicates and then after some interval send them to the end devices.

    February 11, 2019 - 6 minute read -
    C# Patterns Microservices
  • Serialization of F# UnionType

    Union Type serialization is not a built-in option in Newtonsoft.Json. In this article we will take a look how to work around that.

    December 20, 2018 - 5 minute read -
    F# Patterns
  • GraphQL error propagation

    In this post we gonna take a look at available options on how to propagate errors in GraphQL

    August 19, 2018 - 7 minute read -
    F# GraphQL Clean Code Patterns
  • Testing GraphQL queries with FsCheck library - Union GraphTypes

    GraphQL essentially allows users to define queries from a front-end to gather concrete data. So as it looks it is completely different than a standard REST endpoint. GraphQL differs queries which only gather data from those which also mutates them. In this article, I want to concentrate on queries which only gather some data and how to test them via FsCheck and F#. This articles is a continuation of previous post: https://www.mnie.me/2018-05-21-graphQLTestingPart2/

    May 29, 2018 - 6 minute read -
    F# GraphQL Clean Code Tests TDD Automated Tests Patterns
  • Testing GraphQL queries with FsCheck library - Shrinking input

    GraphQL essentially allows users to define queries from a front-end to gather concrete data. So as it looks it is completely different than a standard REST endpoint. GraphQL differs queries which only gather data from those which also mutates them. In this article, I want to concentrate on queries which only gather some data and how to test them via FsCheck and F#. This articles is a continuation of previous post https://www.mnie.me/2018-05-07-graphQLTesting/

    May 21, 2018 - 8 minute read -
    F# GraphQL Clean Code Tests TDD Automated Tests Patterns
  • Testing GraphQL queries with FsCheck library

    GraphQL essentially allows users to define queries from a front-end to gather concrete data. So as it looks it is completely different than a standard REST endpoint. GraphQL differs queries which only gather data from those which also mutates them. In this article, I want to concentrate on queries which only gather some data and how to test them via FsCheck and F#.

    May 7, 2018 - 11 minute read -
    F# GraphQL Clean Code Tests TDD Automated Tests Patterns
  • Static typescript client for controller actions, is it possible?

    Thanks to a Typescript we have some opportunity to use some `strongly-typed` language on a front-end side. But still we have to somehow communicate with a server side. Model the response. Is it possible to do it automatically for use, so we could only add some npm package which would have all of the models there along with clients? Yes it is!

    March 24, 2018 - 11 minute read -
    C# TypeScript JavaScript Microservices Patterns Clean Code
  • Resharper TO-DO

    How often do you add a comment TODO to your code? There is an option to make it more descriptive. In this article you will see how to add some links/more info to TODO comments.

    January 23, 2018 - 2 minute read -
    JetBrains Rider VisualStudio Patterns Clean Code
  • Migration from old format of cs/fsproj to the new one

    Migration from .net framework csproj/fsproj to the .net core csproj/fsproj isn't an easy task. There are some caveats around it, checkout article to find some of them.

    December 13, 2017 - 7 minute read -
    F# Microservices C# .net core .net framework Patterns
  • How to test CSV files content in end-to-end testing

    Commercial applications very often gives an end user ability to export some data as csv. In this article I wanna show you that it is possible to test it and how to do that.

    November 6, 2017 - 4 minute read -
    F# Patterns Automated Tests Tests TDD
  • Visualizing performance tests execution times

    Continuation to the previous article about performance testing in F#, which you can find [here](https://mnie.github.io/2017-08-17-performanceTestsUsingFsCheck/).

    November 1, 2017 - 4 minute read -
    F# Microservices Patterns ElasticSearch Tests Automated Tests
  • Performance testing using FsCheck

    While adding a new functionality to our application we want to ensure that the response time will not grow and remain at the acceptable level for users. We came up with the idea of ​​writing FsCheck tests, which will be supposed to check the execution time of the function, rather than their full correctness. Thanks to this approach, We can generate a series of data, similar to those generated by users during day to day work with an application.Let's see how we achieve that

    August 17, 2017 - 5 minute read -
    F# Microservices Patterns Tests Automated Tests
  • Creating a fully functional F# microservice (Quartz.Net, Net.Mail)

    Recently I realized that I have the data where users evaluate things presented to them. These opinions are stored in the database, but let's be honest how often you open a management studio to see what records appear in the database? I am definitely not that kind of person. So I thought it would be fun to write an application that would sent as a weekly report and also providing an api, to ask for data from the last week. In this article we would take a look at scheduling mails on weekly basis.

    March 11, 2017 - 3 minute read -
    F# Microservices Patterns
  • Creating a fully functional F# microservice (Azure, FSharp.Configuration)

    Recently I realized that I have the data where users evaluate things presented to them. These opinions are stored in the database, but let's be honest how often you open a management studio to see what records appear in the database? I am definitely not that kind of person. So I thought it would be fun to write an application that would sent as a weekly report and also providing an api, to ask for data from the last week. In this article we would take a look at Azure API and Configuration passing.

    March 11, 2017 - 3 minute read -
    F# Microservices Patterns
  • Creating a fully functional F# microservice (NancyFx, SqlTypeProvider)

    Recently I realized that I have the data where users evaluate things presented to them. These opinions are stored in the database, but let's be honest how often you open a management studio to see what records appear in the database? I am definitely not that kind of person. So I thought it would be fun to write an application that would sent as a weekly report and also providing an api, to ask for data from the last week. In this article we would take a look at accessing database.

    March 11, 2017 - 3 minute read -
    F# Microservices Patterns SQL